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Zambia’s Anti-Corruption Commission Urges Zesco Appointees to Fight Corruption

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of Zambia is calling for courage and strength in the fight against corruption, specifically targeting newly appointed Focal Point Persons (FPPs) for Zesco Limited’s Integrity Committee (IC).

ACC Director General Thom Shamakamba spoke at the official opening of an FPP training workshop, emphasizing the challenges of fighting corruption and the need for resolute individuals.

He commended Zesco for its longstanding commitment to promoting integrity and battling corruption. Zesco’s achievements include developing policies like a Code of Conduct, a Gifts and Benefits Policy, and a Whistleblower Policy.

Shamakamba pledged the ACC’s support to the FPPs and encouraged them to seek help when faced with uncooperative supervisors.

“Fear no one, let’s fight corruption together,” he declared.

Meanwhile, Acting Zesco Managing Director Engineer Justin Loongo focused on the negative impact of corruption on customer service costs. He emphasized that accepting bribes (“ka something”) inflates prices for Zesco’s services.

Loongo highlighted Zesco’s vision of becoming a reliable and sustainable electricity provider by 2031. He identified integrity as a crucial factor for achieving this goal and challenged the FPPs to be paragons of integrity and prevent corruption within the corporation.

“We have confidence in your ability to carry out this role and urge you not to betray that trust,” he stated.

Loongo urged the participants to take the training seriously and fully grasp their roles as Integrity Committee members.

Evans Twaambo, Zesco Integrity Committee Chairperson, echoed the call for vigilance. He urged the FPPs to act as the “eyes and ears” of the institution to prevent corruption.

The strategic selection of FPPs from departments considered corruption hotspots underscores Zesco’s commitment to tackling this issue within its organization.

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