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Govt Engages Kaspersky for Cybersecurity Collaboration

Minister of Technology and Science Felix C. Mutati, alongside his team including Permanent Secretary Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu, convened a pivotal meeting with cybersecurity experts from Kaspersky. 

The gathering, held today, focused on forging a robust partnership and collaboration framework to bolster Zambia’s cybersecurity landscape.

Discussions during the meeting centered on critical aspects of cybersecurity, spanning policy formulation, legislative enhancements, and the development of foundational digital infrastructure. 

Both parties emphasized the paramount importance of establishing a solid foundation for cybersecurity, highlighting the necessity of secure digital identification systems, interoperable technologies, and fostering trust within digital ecosystems.

A consensus was reached on the indispensable role of partnership and collaboration in effectively combating cyber threats. 

Kaspersky underscored the need for a structured engagement approach, advocating for close collaboration with the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) and coordinated efforts with the Ministry to engage stakeholders from both the public and private sectors seamlessly.

The government reaffirmed its dedication to enhancing the Cybersecurity Index and positioning Zambia as a key digital hub in the region. The collaboration with Kaspersky is seen as a strategic move towards achieving these objectives, leveraging Kaspersky’s expertise and innovative solutions in the field of cybersecurity.

The meeting signifies a significant milestone in the government’s commitment to bolstering cybersecurity capabilities and fostering collaboration with industry leaders like Kaspersky. 

This partnership sets the stage for a safer and more resilient digital landscape in Zambia, reflecting the government’s proactive stance in addressing emerging cybersecurity challenges.

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