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Africa CDC Director General Urges Action During African Vaccination Week

H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General of Africa CDC, underscored the critical importance of immunization in safeguarding the health of communities across the continent in a statement marking the commencement of African Vaccination Week.

Under the theme ‘Vaccinated communities, Healthy communities’, the week aims to reinforce the necessity of protecting individuals, especially children and women, from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Despite strides made in immunization programs, challenges persist, including vaccine hesitancy, limited local manufacturing capacity, and financial constraints. 

Dr. Kaseya outlined key actions to tackle these obstacles, including the establishment of a new Directorate of Primary Health Care and efforts to enhance access to safe and effective vaccines.

The Africa CDC’s call to action extends to political leaders, policymakers, communities, and stakeholders. 

Dr. Kaseya urged leaders to prioritize immunization, allocate adequate funding, and raise awareness about the importance of vaccination. 

Additionally, communities were encouraged to mobilize support and advocate for concerted action against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Highlighting the critical role of partnerships, Dr. Kaseya emphasized collaboration with like-minded allies, investment in research, and the development of local capacity. 

The involvement of African Union first ladies and high-level leaders was also solicited to amplify awareness, particularly regarding the prevention and control of diseases such as cervical cancer through immunization.

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