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FDI  Identifies Challenges in Labour Sector, Offers Solutions 

Family Development Initiatives (FDI), a faith-based organization in Zambia, highlighted several challenges facing the labour sector in the country and proposed solutions to address them.

FDI Team Leader Sheikh Yusuf Ayami expressed concerns over the impact of multiple trade unions on collective bargaining power and the representation of workers’ interests. 

He emphasized that such fragmentation could weaken the effectiveness of labour movements and lead to misrepresentation of workers.

Sheikh Ayami also identified skill shortages and wage rigidities as significant impediments to economic growth and job creation in Zambia. 

He stressed the importance of updating and enforcing labour laws to protect workers’ rights and ensure fair wages and working conditions.

Furthermore, Sheikh Ayami called for increased investment in education and vocational training to address skill shortages and prepare the workforce for the demands of the modern economy. 

He emphasized the need for enhanced labour market information systems to develop reliable data on labour market trends and skills anticipation.

Highlighting the impact of improved labour conditions on families, Sheikh Ayami noted that secure and well-paying jobs contribute to income stability, enabling families to meet their basic needs and improve living standards. 

He emphasized that better income leads to increased access to healthcare and education, resulting in healthier and more educated communities.

Sheikh Ayami underscored the importance of a robust labour sector in promoting social welfare programs that support vulnerable groups, including children and the elderly. 

He concluded by stating that the economic and social development of Zambia relies heavily on a thriving labour sector, which directly impacts the well-being and prosperity of families across the country.

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