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ZESCO Advances Last Mile Connection Project to Enhance Electricity Access in Lusaka

ZESCO Limited, amidst ongoing challenges of load shedding, is spearheading efforts to bolster community resilience in Lusaka through the Lusaka Transmission and Distribution Rehabilitation Project (LTDRP). The project, which commenced its Last Mile connections on March 11th, 2024, aims to address issues within the 400V low voltage distribution network.

Matongo Maumbi, Company Spokesperson, highlighted the significance of this critical phase in improving the reliability and flexibility of the network.

The initiative targets eight key townships including Mtendere East, Chainda, Kamanga, Ngwerere, Mandevu, Garden Compound, John Howard, and Chawama, benefiting over 63,000 households, Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs), and social and public infrastructures by 2027.

Maumbi emphasized ZESCO’s commitment to providing accessible and reliable electricity, with subsidized connection fees set at K300.00 for households and MSEs, and K800.00 for social and public infrastructure in the designated townships.

He urged the community to safeguard against vandalism, which exacerbates load shedding and increases repair costs.

Backed by a EUR 65 million grant from the European Union, with EUR 7 million earmarked for subsidized connections, the initiative marks a significant stride towards a brighter future for Lusaka. Already, EUR 2 million has facilitated the first 18,750 connections, underscoring the project’s impact.

ZESCO invites eligible residents to seize this opportunity for reliable, efficient, and safe electricity. For further information on eligibility and application procedures, individuals are encouraged to visit ZESCO’s Customer Service Centers.

The Last Mile Connection Project underscores ZESCO’s commitment to delivering electricity directly to consumers at an appropriate and safe level, thereby enhancing the overall power experience in homes and businesses across Lusaka.

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