Breaking NewsHealth

Rumors of Former Vice President’s Death Debunked by Government Official

Zambia’s Information and Media Permanent Secretary, Mr. Thabo Kawana, has dismissed rumors circulating on social media regarding the death of former Vice President Dr. Guy Scott.

Mr. Kawana personally visited Dr. Scott at his residence in Lusaka on Tuesday and confirmed the former Vice President is alive and well. He described their interaction as “warm.”

The Permanent Secretary strongly condemned the spread of false information, particularly regarding someone’s health or death. 

He emphasized how such actions cause unnecessary distress and panic for families and friends of those targeted.

Mr. Kawana urged social media users to be responsible and refrain from sharing unverified information. 

He encouraged the public to prioritize integrity when using social media platforms.

This official statement by Mr. Kawana puts an end to the speculation surrounding Dr. Scott’s health and serves as a reminder to be critical of information encountered online.

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