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President Hichilema Commemorates Legacy of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Freedom Fighters 

President Hakainde Hichilema paid homage to the indelible legacy of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and other unsung heroes at the launch of the Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula Foundation and Inaugural Public Lecture.

Surrounded by fellow citizens, the event served as a platform to illuminate the remarkable life story of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, alongside other revered figures such as Nalumino Mundia, Mungoni Liso, Lewis Changufu, and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. 

These luminaries, President Hichilema noted, are the towering figures upon whose shoulders Zambia stands today.

Amidst the backdrop of political turbulence that characterized Zambia’s journey to independence and the subsequent years of self-rule, President Hichilema underscored the timeless lessons embedded in this rich historical tapestry. 

Mr. Nkumbula, in particular, embodied principles of unity, hard work, and championed quality education, particularly for the girl child.

“As a country, it is incumbent upon us to uphold the noble ideals espoused by leaders such as Mr. Nkumbula,” remarked President Hichilema, emphasizing the enduring relevance of these guiding principles in shaping Zambia’s trajectory.

The event served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by Zambia’s freedom fighters, whose unwavering commitment to the nation’s ideals laid the foundation for the Zambia we know today.

“May the legacy of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and our esteemed freedom fighters endure for eternity,” concluded President Hichilema, invoking a sentiment shared by all in attendance.

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