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Nigerian Pastor Spreading Vaccine Misinformation Threatens Africa’s Malaria Fight – BBC

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, a well-known Nigerian televangelist, has been using his platform to spread misinformation about vaccines. 

The BBC investigated his sermons and found he specifically targets the new malaria vaccine being distributed in Africa. 

According to BB, In Pastor Oyakhilome’s sermons, he claims vaccines are ineffective and part of a depopulation agenda. 

Medical professionals are concerned that Pastor Oyakhilome’s influence could discourage people from getting vaccinated, particularly in Africa where vaccine hesitancy is already a problem. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers his pronouncements a threat to public health efforts in the region. 

The BBC investigation reveals Pastor Oyakhilome uses deceptive tactics. For instance, he takes quotes like Bill Gates’ comments on population out of context to support his conspiracy theories. 

He also makes demonstrably false claims, such as saying the malaria vaccine alters DNA. 

Pastor Oyakhilome has a vast global audience through his church, Christ Embassy, and affiliated media channels. This extensive reach allows him to spread misinformation to a large number of people. 

The BBC article also mentions his substantial business empire, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest with his anti-vaccine stance. 

Former members of Pastor Oyakhilome’s church and others have expressed concern about his influence and the negative impact it can have on public health. 

They believe there should be regulations in place to hold such religious leaders accountable for spreading misinformation. 

Source: BBC

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