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House of Chiefs Postpones Land Act Review, Prioritizes Wider Consultations

The House of Chiefs in Zambia has postponed its consideration of the reviewed Lands Act of 1995 and the Draft Guidelines on Customary Land Certification.

This decision comes amidst the ongoing House of Chiefs Session that began on April 8th, 2024.

In a statement issued by Chief Nkambo, Chairperson of the House of Chiefs, the decision to defer the discussions stemmed from a desire for more inclusive consultations. 

The House Chiefs believe that land administration matters hold significant weight at the provincial level, necessitating discussions to begin there before progressing to the national level. This bottom-up approach aims to ensure all voices are heard.

The House further emphasized the diverse nature of customary land governance and practices across various chiefdoms in Zambia. 

They stressed the importance of allowing a wider range of stakeholders to contribute to this crucial document.

The House of Chiefs urged the Ministry of Lands to conduct these broader consultations to ensure the resulting land administration laws are widely accepted and supported.  

They believe a more inclusive process is vital for the development of the nation.

This postponement highlights the House of Chiefs’ commitment to ensuring all stakeholders have a say in shaping land administration policies in Zambia.

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