Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESGEnergy

Zambia’s Green Economy Minister Calls for Development Shift, Crowns First Miss Kuomboka 

Zambia’s Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, emphasized the need for a fundamental change in the country’s approach to economic development. 

He highlighted the Green Growth Strategy, championed by his Ministry, as a roadmap towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy that prioritizes both environmental resilience and inclusivity. 

While officiating at the inaugural Miss Kuomboka Beauty Pageant, Hon. Nzovu noted the event’s special significance coinciding with the upcoming traditional Kuomboka Ceremony. 

He commended the National Organizing Committee for using this platform to raise awareness and educate the public about the pressing issue of climate change.

“Such initiatives are crucial in preparing our communities to face the challenges ahead,” stated the Minister. “Events like this serve as beacons of hope, demonstrating that the power of transformation extends not only to individuals but to society and the environment as a whole.”

He acknowledged the impact of climate change on Zambia’s cultural practices, citing the need for adaptations to the Kuomboka Ceremony itself due to environmental changes. 

Hon. Nzovu highlighted the government’s efforts to address immediate needs like food and energy security, ensuring both public well-being and economic stability. 

He elaborated on proactive planning for long-term climate challenges, including strengthening institutions like the Zambia Meteorological Department and developing Comprehensive Adaptation Plans. 

Hon. Nathaniel Mubukwanu, Chairperson of the Kuomboka Organizing Committee, expressed gratitude towards the government’s partnership with traditional leaders in spearheading development programs within the region. 

He emphasized the importance of continued collaboration between the government and the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) for sustained economic growth. 

In a separate event, 22-year-old Mubita Mulako was crowned the first-ever Miss Kuomboka, also receiving the title of Climate Change Ambassador.  

First runner-up Katundu Mulonda received the additional title of Best Dressed Musisi, while Sibeso Nyambe was named second runner-up. Beauty Matauka was awarded the Miss Personality title.

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