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LCC Surpasses Revenue Collection Target in First Quarter of 2024

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has achieved a significant milestone in its financial history, collecting over 105 million Kwacha in the first quarter of 2024. 

This impressive figure marks a substantial increase from the previous year’s first quarter collection of approximately 83.8 million Kwacha.

The LCC attributes this surge in revenue to a combination of factors, including the government’s efforts to create a business-friendly environment and the council’s own innovative and proactive revenue collection strategies.

Eng. Liftery Ndaba, Acting Town Clerk, highlighted several key initiatives implemented by the LCC. Targeted media campaigns have been instrumental in raising public awareness regarding the importance of tax compliance and its direct impact on the city’s development. 

Strategic communication with taxpayers via telephone has also proven effective in promoting timely payments and addressing concerns. Additionally, the LCC has deployed bailiffs to recover outstanding debts.

“Our dedicated zone teams have worked relentlessly with the community to ensure compliance through active engagement,” Eng. Ndaba stated. “Furthermore, the council has utilized technology to dispatch bulk SMS reminders to taxpayers, emphasizing their civic responsibilities.”

The LCC is determined to achieve its ambitious revenue target of over K732 million for the fiscal year 2024. These funds are crucial for the municipality’s continued growth and prosperity.

“We extend our sincere thanks to the residents and businesses of Lusaka for their enhanced tax compliance and cooperation,” Eng. Ndaba expressed his appreciation. “These contributions form the bedrock of our city’s development.”

The Acting Town Clerk urged businesses that have not yet fulfilled their tax obligations to do so promptly to avoid penalties. 

He emphasized the importance of continued partnership between the LCC and the business community for the flourishing future of Lusaka.

Eng. Ndaba concluded by reaffirming the Local Authority’s unwavering commitment to reaching its revenue collection goals through strategic initiatives and meticulous implementation.

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