Breaking NewsHealth

Zambia Targets Tobacco Control with Support from Partners

Zambia’s Ministry of Health hosted the Semi-Annual Bill and Melinda Gates Tobacco Control Core Partners’ Meeting, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to curbing tobacco use.

Health Minister Hon. Sylvia T. Masebo highlighted the dangers of tobacco, citing its link to various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory illnesses.

She revealed that over 7,000 Zambians die annually from tobacco-related diseases, with 60% being under 70.

Minister Masebo stressed the importance of individual African countries implementing effective tobacco control measures.

She reaffirmed the Zambian government’s resolve to enact responsive legislation aligned with international best practices to safeguard public health, particularly among youth.

The Ministry commended the collaborative efforts of Core Partners, civil society organizations, academia, and research institutions in tobacco control education.

They applauded Data Gateway’s work with the Ministry in developing the Zambia Tobacco Control Data Initiative website, a crucial resource for informing tobacco-related policies.

The conference underscored the need for collective action at personal, family, community, national, and international levels to combat this public health threat.

The Ministry encouraged continued efforts to educate citizens about the detrimental effects of tobacco use.

This news story highlights Zambia’s commitment to tobacco control with the support of various partners. It emphasizes the public health dangers of tobacco and the importance of collaborative efforts to create a tobacco-free future.

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