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Zambia Bolsters Infrastructure Development with New Trucks for ZNS

The Zambian government has invested K16.2 million in bolstering the capabilities of the Zambia National Service (ZNS) with the acquisition of 10 new tipper trucks.

Minister of Defense, Ambrose L. Lufuma, officially commissioned the vehicles at a ceremony held at the ZNS Land Development Branch headquarters in Lusaka. He emphasized the ZNS’s role in supporting national development efforts, particularly through infrastructure projects.

“The purchase of these tipper trucks is a testament to the ZNS’s commitment to supplementing government efforts,” Minister Lufuma stated. “This new equipment will be instrumental in various projects across the country.”

The new trucks come at a crucial time as Zambia grapples with drought conditions. Minister Lufuma highlighted the importance of the equipment in constructing dams and facilitating the cultivation of off-season maize.

“We are in a race against time to mitigate the effects of the drought,” he declared. “These trucks will expedite the construction and rehabilitation of dams, a critical step towards ensuring food security.”

The ZNS Land Development Brigade’s Chief, Brigadier General Jephan K. Mukanda, echoed the Minister’s sentiments. He explained that the trucks would be deployed in various regions for dam construction projects.

“We are grateful for the government’s support, which enables us to contribute meaningfully to national disaster relief efforts,” Brigadier General Mukanda said.

The Minister concluded the ceremony by urging the ZNS to ensure proper maintenance of the new equipment to maximize its lifespan and return on investment.

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