Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

Zambia’s Ministry Takes Action Against Climate Change with Tree Planting Initiative 

The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services in Zambia has initiated a tree planting campaign, resulting in the planting of 238 trees at Nakambala Approved School in the Southern Province. 

This effort aims to combat climate change and encourage afforestation.

Led by the Permanent Secretary, Ms. Angela Kawandami, alongside Mazabuka District Commissioner Mr. Oliver Mulomba, directors, and ministry staff, the tree planting exercise aims to address the urgent need for environmental conservation and resilience building in the face of climate change challenges.

Ms. Kawandami highlighted the devastating impact of climate change on the livelihoods of the people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, who bear the brunt of its effects. 

She emphasized the importance of creating healthy, resilient forests as a crucial strategy to combat climate change, as forests play a vital role in absorbing and retaining carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The initiative was made possible through the collective efforts of staff attending a report writing workshop at Nakambala Approved School, demonstrating the Ministry’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability. 

Ms. Kawandami urged all Zambians to take proactive measures to join the reforestation crusade, emphasizing the role of reforestation in reducing climate change impacts and protecting livelihoods.

Furthermore, the Ministry announced plans to plant 100,000 trees by 2026 at various institutions under its jurisdiction, aiming to promote a green environment and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. 

Ms. Kawandami underscored the urgency of these actions, citing the recurring droughts, dry spells, and floods experienced since 2000, which have resulted in significant economic and livelihood losses across the country.

In appreciation of the Ministry’s initiative, Mr. Oliver Mulomba, the Mazabuka District Commissioner, commended the tree planting efforts and called on other stakeholders to prioritize climate change issues. 

He emphasized the importance of collective action in addressing climate change challenges and urged all stakeholders to play their part in environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.

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