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Zambia Labor Minister Calls for Improved Work Conditions, Gender Equality During Maamba Collieries Visit 

Zambia’s Minister of Labour and Social Security, Ms. Brenda Tambatamba, emphasized the importance of decent work conditions and human capital development during an integrated labor inspection at Maamba Collieries Limited in Sinazongwe District. 

Ms. Tambatamba stressed that adhering to labor laws and respecting workers’ rights are crucial for economic development.  A focus on worker well-being and productivity aligns with the government’s mandate to maximize productivity, as outlined in the 8th National Development Plan.  

She underscored the link between a skilled and empowered workforce and achieving a higher GDP and sustainable development. 

The Minister urged Maamba Collieries Limited to take steps towards reducing gender disparity in their workforce.  She encouraged the company to implement affirmative action policies to increase the number of women employed. 

Ms. Tambatamba also highlighted the importance of creating opportunities for local residents.  She advised Maamba Collieries to establish programs for capacity building and prioritize hiring local talent within the Sinazongwe District. 

The Minister addressed the company’s workers directly, urging them to contribute positively to the company’s productivity.  She emphasized the importance of utilizing established grievance procedures to address any workplace concerns and collaborating with their union representatives. 

Maamba Collieries’ Senior Human Resource and Administration Manager, Mr. Bwali Ndau, welcomed the Ministry of Labour’s visit, acknowledging it as an opportunity to improve their human capital development practices.  

Mr. Ndau emphasized the company’s commitment to equal opportunity employment and highlighted their existing programs aimed at attracting and retaining qualified female employees.  These initiatives include career guidance programs in local schools that encourage girls to pursue careers in engineering and science. 

Mr. Ndau also commented on the positive role of the Mineworkers Union of Zambia.  He confirmed that workers are free to participate in union activities, including collective bargaining for better working conditions. He commended the Southern Province Labour Office for its role in fostering positive employer-employee relations. 

Ms. Tambatamba’s visit to Maamba Collieries is part of a seven-day working tour across Zambia’s Southern Province.  During this time, she will be conducting integrated inspections at various companies across multiple sectors, ensuring adherence to labor laws and promoting a healthy working environment for all Zambians.

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