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Hon. Mulambo Haimbe Officiates High-Level Meeting on Open Government Partnership in Lusaka

Hon. Mulambo Haimbe, SC, MP, led a high-level meeting for senior government officials on the Open Government Partnership (OGP) at the Ceila Resort in Lusaka. The meeting aimed to sensitize officials on the significance of the OGP in promoting transparent, participatory, inclusive, and accountable governance.

Addressing the attendees, Hon. Haimbe emphasized the importance of the OGP as a unique partnership between civil society advocates and government leaders. He highlighted the partnership’s mission to strengthen democracy and deliver better societal outcomes through open government reforms.

The New Dawn Government, Hon. Haimbe stated, is committed to transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in governance. He underscored the timeliness of Zambia’s joining the OGP and expressed gratitude for the international recognition of the country’s governance reforms.

Key achievements highlighted by Hon. Haimbe included the passing of the Access to Information Act of 2023 and the approval of the national policy on anti-corruption. These milestones, he noted, demonstrate Zambia’s dedication to empowering citizens and combating corruption.

The Access to Information Act, Hon. Haimbe explained, will facilitate easy access to information from both public and private bodies, serving as a tool for preventing corruption and countering misinformation. These efforts, he emphasized, have positioned Zambia as a beacon of hope for good governance promotion.

Furthermore, Hon. Haimbe outlined the potential benefits of OGP membership, including opportunities for government, businesses, and citizens, strengthened efforts against corruption, improved debt management, and enhanced civic participation in budgeting and service delivery.

Highlighting the government’s commitment to multi-stakeholder approaches, Hon. Haimbe emphasized the importance of aligning OGP initiatives with ongoing governance reforms and the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP).

In conclusion, Hon. Haimbe expressed Zambia’s aspiration to be part of the global community of nations advancing modern states. He affirmed the government’s dedication, through the Ministry of Justice, to facilitating justice dispensation and promoting good governance principles and practices.

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