AgricultureBreaking News

Zambia Eyes Agricultural Opportunities Amidst Drought Challenges

As Zambia and its Southern African Development Community (SADC) counterparts face severe droughts impacting food security and livelihoods, the Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) sees a glimmer of hope.

Despite the challenges, the ongoing climatic adversities offer Zambia a chance to harness its geographical advantages and underground water resources to boost agricultural productivity and regional trade, particularly within the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

The AfCFTA, set to transform trade dynamics across Africa, presents a promising avenue for the agricultural sector, which employs a significant portion of the continent’s workforce.

Despite the adverse effects of droughts on small-scale farmers and regional food security, Zambia’s potential lies in transforming its agricultural landscape through strategic investments in irrigation.

With vast uncultivated arable land totaling approximately 42 million hectares, of which only a fraction is currently utilized, Zambia stands on the cusp of an agricultural revolution.

By mobilizing rural households into cooperatives and providing essential technical, financial, and mechanical support, Zambia could achieve year-round agricultural production, including winter maize cultivation.

This initiative not only ensures the country’s food security but also positions it as a crucial player in the AfCFTA and a regional food provider.

The statement was issued by Dr. Brivery Siamabele, Research Associate-Trade and Investment, at the Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD), a non-profit, membership-based think tank focused on advocating for pro-poor trade and investment reforms at national, regional, and multilateral levels.

The CTPD aims to facilitate stakeholder participation, including member organizations, in utilizing trade as a tool for poverty eradication.

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