Breaking NewsEducation

New Infrastructure Boosts Education in Lufwanyama District

Students at Bulaya Secondary School are set to benefit from newly constructed classroom blocks and additional facilities, marking a milestone in the district’s educational infrastructure and signifying a significant development for education in Lufwanyama District.

The commissioning ceremony witnessed the official handover of two 1×3 classroom blocks, accompanied by two teaching staff houses and five flushable toilets for students and staff.

These facilities, equipped with essential furnishings, are poised to immediately enhance the learning environment for students.

Copperbelt Provincial Minister Elisha Matambo hailed the construction as a testament to the commitment to invest in the future of Zambia’s children.

He emphasized the importance of partnerships in furthering educational development and expressed gratitude for the collaboration between government and community stakeholders.

Kagem’s Head of Corporate Responsibility, Lomthunzi Mbewe, highlighted the company’s support in completing one of the classroom blocks initiated by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the local community.

Mbewe underscored Kagem’s dedication to fostering community growth beyond the lifespan of the mine, particularly through initiatives that promote education and skills development.

District Commissioner Justin Mwalikwa echoed Mbewe’s sentiments, lauding Kagem as a valuable partner in uplifting Lufwanyama District.

He cited various projects undertaken by the mine, including infrastructure development and plans for a vocational training center, as crucial contributions to enhancing literacy levels and community well-being.

Silvester Mukanda, District Education Board Secretary, emphasized the significance of the new infrastructure in accommodating the growing number of students, particularly in the era of free education.

Mukanda emphasized the importance of maintaining the structures to ensure a conducive learning environment, which he believes will positively impact student performance.

With over 180 students currently enrolled, Bulaya Secondary School anticipates an increase in student intake following the expansion of its facilities.

The newly constructed infrastructure not only addresses immediate needs for space but also underscores a collective commitment to providing quality education in Lufwanyama District.

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