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PPCC Launches Service Delivery Charter to Enhance Police Professionalism

The Police Public Complaints Commission (PPCC) has officially unveiled its Service Delivery Charter aimed at bolstering police professionalism and restoring public trust.

The launch, held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, saw key government officials and stakeholders gather to address the pressing issue of police conduct in Zambia.

Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jacob Mwiimbu SC, represented by Permanent Secretary Mr. Josephs Akafumba, acknowledged the challenges facing the Zambia Police Service.

While emphasizing the service’s duty to protect life and property, Mwiimbu recognized the unfortunate reality of some officers abusing their power, resulting in loss of life and property, and eroding public confidence.

Mwiimbu highlighted the government’s commitment to addressing these issues, underscoring the establishment of an independent body, the PPCC, to handle complaints against police actions.

He reassured citizens of the government’s determination to provide a safe and secure environment by implementing policies and institutions that uphold basic human rights.

The Chairperson of the PPCC, Zungu Siakalima, outlined the purpose of the newly introduced Service Delivery Charter. Designed to guide the management of public complaints, the charter delineates steps and measures essential for the efficient handling of grievances against the police.

Siakalima expressed concern over the increasing instances of public apprehension regarding police behavior, including the misuse of power and violations of human rights.

He appealed for support to establish provincial offices, highlighting the need for decentralization to address complaints effectively across all regions.

The Police Public Complaints Commission serves as an oversight body mandated to receive and investigate complaints against police actions, subsequently making recommendations to relevant institutions.

In 2023 alone, the Commission received a significant number of complaints, totaling 207, from members of the public. Out of these, 147 cases were investigated and addressed, underscoring the Commission’s commitment to ensuring accountability within the Zambia Police Service.

With the launch of the Service Delivery Charter, the PPCC aims to foster a culture of accountability, professionalism, and transparency within the police force.

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