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ZCSA Urges Public Vigilance Against Illegal Products to Ensure Consumer Safety

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has issued a stern call to action, urging consumers to remain vigilant against the proliferation of illegal and unsafe products in the market to safeguard public health and well-being.

In an official statement issued by Brian Hatyoka, Head of Communications at the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency, the agency highlighted the imminent threat posed by unauthorized manufacturing and distribution of commodities such as mealie meal, bottled water, and beverages.

The Agency emphasized the critical role of consumers in reporting any suspicious activities to the authorities.

Underlining the significance of World Consumer Rights Day, slated for tomorrow, March 15, 2024, the agency underscored the importance of purchasing goods exclusively from reputable sources. Consumers were advised to scrutinize product labels diligently to avoid inadvertently procuring expired or substandard merchandise.

Expressing grave concern over recent incidents of illicit product tampering, particularly in the realm of mealie meal packaging, the ZCSA disclosed ongoing collaborative efforts with law enforcement agencies to address the issue comprehensively.

In one notable case, authorities intervened in Lusaka’s Kamwala South area, where individuals were illegally repackaging various mealie meal brands in violation of established standards.

Following the seizure of suspect products, the agency promptly initiated laboratory analyses to ascertain their safety and compliance levels. Pending the results, the confiscated items will be subject to quarantine measures, with subsequent actions aligned with provisions outlined in the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017.

Emphasizing its unwavering commitment to upholding consumer safety, the ZCSA pledged to bolster enforcement initiatives to ensure only certified and secure products enter the market.

Established as a statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency operates across all provincial centers and major border entry points.

Mandated with administering, maintaining, and enforcing compulsory standards, the agency remains steadfast in its mission to protect public safety, health, and environmental integrity.

In conclusion, the ZCSA’s impassioned plea for public vigilance serves as a resounding call to action, underscoring the collective responsibility of stakeholders in safeguarding consumer interests and fostering a marketplace characterized by transparency, integrity, and adherence to regulatory standards.

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