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GEWEL Project: Transforming Lives and Ending Poverty

The Girls’ Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods (GEWEL) Project, supported by the World Bank, has emerged as a beacon of hope for many beneficiaries, heralding a significant shift in their lives.

Designed to enhance access to secondary education for disadvantaged girls and provide livelihood support for women, the GEWEL Project has been hailed for its transformative impact on breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

Under the auspices of the Supporting Women’s Livelihood (SWL) component, overseen by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, beneficiaries have lauded the program for empowering them economically and socially.

Through grants and beneficiary-led Saving Group initiatives, women have seen a remarkable expansion in their financial capabilities. Esther Nyambe, a member of the Luyando Saving Group, showcased her entrepreneurial ventures during Women’s Day celebrations in Livingstone.

She urged fellow women to seize opportunities and emphasized how her business endeavors have not only flourished but also contributed to educational and nutritional support for her family, thus breaking the chains of poverty across generations.

Similarly, Joy Mulena’s journey exemplifies the tangible outcomes of the SWL program. Through it, she has transitioned from a state of vulnerability to achieving food security for herself and her family. Their success stories underscore the government’s unwavering commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The intensified efforts of the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services reflect a concerted push towards poverty alleviation and vulnerability reduction through the implementation of various social protection programs under the GEWEL Project.

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