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SADC Standing Aviation Committee Convenes to Bolster Peace and Security Efforts in the Region

The 21st meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Standing Aviation Committee (SAC) concluded successfully on February 28th, 2024, in Cape Town, South Africa. The gathering, attended by Chiefs of the Air Force or their representatives from ten Member States, aimed to deliberate on collaborative efforts concerning peace and security issues in the region, particularly within the aviation sector.

Led by General Rudzani Maphwanya, Chief of the National Defence Force of the Republic of South Africa, the meeting underscored the commitment of Member States towards fostering peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. General Maphwanya emphasized the pivotal role of SAC as a platform for exchanging insights, strategies, and enhancing regional aviation capabilities.

Addressing pressing concerns, General Maphwanya highlighted the imperative need to address terrorism in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province and rebel activities in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He urged investment in aviation infrastructure, workforce recruitment, and retention to effectively counter evolving security threats.

Lieutenant General Wiseman Mbambo, Chief of the Air Force of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of SAC, emphasized the meeting’s significance in contributing to the regional integration agenda. Lt Gen Mbambo commended Member States for their commitment to finding solutions to security challenges and fostering peace through collaborative efforts.

During the two-day meeting, SAC reviewed key strategic activities and programs, pledged commitment to sharing operational expertise, and assessed the necessary resources. The outcomes of the meeting will serve as the basis for discussions at the upcoming Defence Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for mid-year 2024.

Prior to the SAC meeting, a working group convened to clear documents and provide technical expertise, setting the stage for productive deliberations.

The meeting concluded with a moment of silence in memory of the late H.E Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, who made significant contributions to the region’s peace and security efforts through his inspirational leadership.

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