Breaking NewsBusinessMining

Gov’t Grants 155 Gold Mining Cooperatives Licenses 

The Zambian government, through the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, has granted licenses to 155 gold mining cooperatives, alongside 117 cooperatives licensed for other mineral commodities, aimed at revitalizing the mining industry. 

This brings the total number of licenses issued to 272, demonstrating the government’s commitment to fostering growth and inclusivity in the mining sector.

Furthermore, the government has appointed a Technical and Audit Committee tasked with reviewing the artisanal and small-scale mining sector. This committee will identify and address bottlenecks hindering the sector’s contribution to the country’s economic transformation agenda.

To ensure accessible markets for artisanal and small-scale miners, the government is initiating the development of infrastructure for trade in key areas such as Mumbwa, Lusangazi, and Rufunsa. These market centers will provide platforms for miners to sell their mineral commodities efficiently.

In parallel efforts, the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development is undertaking comprehensive policy, legal, and institutional reforms aimed at enhancing the vibrancy of the mining sector. 

One significant aspect of this initiative involves the review of the Mines and Minerals Development Act No. 11 of 2015 to ensure that the legal framework aligns with the evolving dynamics of the mining industry in Zambia.

The proposed amendments will also establish the Minerals Regulation Commission, intended to regulate the mining sector effectively and stimulate increased production. The bill outlining these reforms has been presented to Parliament and is undergoing necessary legislative processes before finalization.

Additionally, the government is investing in geological mapping and minerals exploration through high-resolution country-wide aerial geophysical surveys. These surveys, covering parts of key provinces like the Copperbelt, Northwestern, Southern, Western, and Central Provinces, are expected to expand Zambia’s geological coverage area from the current 55.6% to approximately 60%.

Such efforts are crucial in identifying and harnessing the country’s mineral wealth to drive economic growth and development.

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