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LCC Apprehends Four Individuals for Selling Kachasu Near University Teaching Hospital

In a determined effort to combat the manufacturing and distribution of illicit alcohol, the Lusaka City Council (LCC) has taken action by apprehending four individuals for selling Kachasu near the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

According to Nyambe Bulumba, Assistant Public Relations Manager at the LCC, the arrests were made following an inspection carried out by council police and Public Health Officers to assess compliance levels regarding the production and sale of illicit beer.

“Despite warnings from the Local Authority, individuals persisted in selling intoxicating beer, disregarding liquor regulations,” stated Mr. Bulumba.

Consequently, several batches of the illicit beverage were confiscated from the sellers, and the owners were arrested as a deterrent to potential offenders.

Section 34 of the Liquor Licensing Act No. 20 of 2011 explicitly prohibits the manufacturing or production of any alcoholic beverage with the intention of sale or supply, using fermentation or distillation processes.

Mr. Bulumba assured that the council will continue its inspections to bring the situation under control and safeguard public health from the associated hazards.

The Local Authority issued a caution to residents involved in the illicit production and sale of alcohol, emphasizing that such activities are unlawful and pose risks to public health.

The detrimental impact of illegal alcohol production and sales on society was highlighted, including the adverse effects on education, with many children dropping out of school due to their involvement in such environments.

Residents were urged to report any violations they witness, enabling prompt intervention by the council to create a safer and healthier community.

In conclusion, Mr. Bulumba emphasized the importance of collective efforts in combating illicit alcohol trade and ensuring the well-being of all residents.

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