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Gov’t Urges Parents to Protect Children from Harmful Online and TV Content”

Government officials urge parents and guardians to be actively involved in their children’s lives and not rely solely on television and social media for parenting guidance. 

Concerns have been raised regarding the exposure of children to harmful content online and on TV, emphasizing the importance of parental supervision and safeguarding.

During a sensitization meeting on the Children’s Code Act held in Chipata, Eastern Province, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ms. Beauty Undi Phiri, emphasized the need for parents to prioritize their roles in ensuring the safety and well-being of their children. 

She highlighted alarming issues such as teenage pregnancies and early marriages, calling for urgent action to address these challenges.

Ms. Phiri stressed that child abuse rates in Eastern Province are concerning and require a coordinated effort across sectors to create a safe environment for children. 

She emphasized the crucial role of families and communities in safeguarding children, stating that the future of any nation depends on its children.

Welcoming the enactment of the Children’s Code Act, Ms. Phiri emphasized its significance in providing a legal framework for child protection. 

She urged stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the law to ensure its effective implementation, underscoring the government’s commitment to prioritizing child welfare.

Mr. Changano Ngoi, the Chief Child Development Officer, revealed that sensitization efforts on the Children’s Code Act have been conducted in nine out of ten provinces, demonstrating a nationwide commitment to promoting child protection and welfare.

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