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President Hichilema Calls for Unity and Prayer

His Excellency, President Hakainde Hichilema, participated in the Church-State Dialogue Prayer Breakfast held at Pamodzi Hotel, where he urged religious leaders to pray for the nation’s prosperity across various sectors, including food security, which he emphasized as a matter of national security.

During his address, President Hichilema underscored the critical importance of addressing challenges such as climate change, which has heightened the significance of agriculture and food production. 

He stressed the need for collaboration between the government and religious leaders in overcoming these obstacles, recognizing that government efforts alone are insufficient.

Unity emerged as a central theme in the President’s remarks, with him emphasizing its essential nature, particularly during challenging times. 

He urged individuals in positions of power to utilize their influence positively and promote the message of “One Zambia, One Nation” to foster unity throughout the country.

President Hichilema reiterated the government’s commitment to following the legacy of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia’s first Republican President, in promoting democracy and unity in diversity, both domestically and internationally.

Addressing the ongoing fight against cholera, the President expressed gratitude for the support received from the church, the international community, and various segments of society. 

He commended the World Health Organization for developing the cholera vaccine and urged the church to continue preaching about the importance of hygiene and mindset change among citizens.

Acknowledging the challenges posed by the current dry spell affecting crop production, particularly maize, President Hichilema requested prayers from the Church and Zambian citizens for rainfall. 

He assured that the government would reallocate resources to prioritize food security and prevent hunger among the population.

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