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FDI Commends Government’s Decision to Reopen Schools Amidst Cholera Concerns

The Family Development Initiatives (FDI) has expressed gratitude for the decision to reopen schools despite ongoing concerns over the country’s cholera outbreak. 

The FDI, through its Team Leader, Sheikh Yusuf Ayami, emphasized the importance of maintaining hygiene practices to curb the spread of the disease, particularly within households.

Sheikh Ayami urged families to prioritize basic hygiene measures such as handwashing before meals and after using the toilet. 

He also advised against sharing food with schoolmates temporarily until the cholera outbreak is contained, emphasizing the need for caution in the face of escalating cases.

Furthermore, Sheikh Ayami stressed the significance of seeking medical attention from health facilities rather than resorting to over-the-counter drugs or homemade solutions for cholera patients. 

He emphasized the alarming number of deaths occurring at home due to delayed medical intervention.

Highlighting the recurring nature of cholera outbreaks in Zambia, Sheikh Ayami lamented the apparent failure to learn from past experiences. 

He called upon the government to take decisive action in regularizing residential structures to ensure public safety, citing instances where emergency services face challenges reaching certain areas due to poorly constructed buildings obstructing utility lines.

Sheikh Ayami emphasized the detrimental effects of prolonged school closures on societal equality, noting that while some children could continue learning online, the majority in government schools were unable to do so. 

He stressed the importance of preventing epidemics like cholera to mitigate social divides and ensure that all children have access to education.

The FDI’s stance underscores the urgent need for coordinated efforts to address the cholera outbreak while simultaneously ensuring the continuity of education for all children. 

By advocating for improved hygiene practices and proactive government intervention, the FDI aims to safeguard public health and promote equitable access to education across Zambia.

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