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Energy Minister and Lusaka Mayor Commend EU’s Clean Energy Initiative

Energy Minister Peter Kapala and Lusaka Mayor Ms. Chilando Chitangala have expressed gratitude to the European Union (EU) for their support in prioritizing electrification efforts in peri-urban and densely populated areas of Lusaka, marking a significant development aimed at enhancing access to clean and reliable energy.

Speaking at the signing ceremony of the Lusaka Transmission Distribution Rehabilitation Project (LTDRP), Minister Kapala praised the collaborative effort between the government, private sector, NGOs, and development partners in addressing the energy needs of low-income populations. 

He highlighted the importance of the project in increasing access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy, emphasizing its potential to curb illegal electricity connections once completed.

The LTDRP, funded by a Euro65 million grant from the EU to the Zambian government, aims to significantly improve the quality and affordability of energy in Lusaka. 

Part of the project’s proceeds, amounting to Euro7 million, will directly support ZESCO Limited in subsidizing electricity connections for approximately sixty-three thousand new clients in high-density, low-income households, social/public infrastructure, and Micro-Small Enterprises within Lusaka.

Mayor Chitangala echoed Minister Kapala’s sentiments, emphasizing the project’s dual impact of powering the nation while empowering local communities. 

She extended her gratitude to the EU, ZESCO, and all partners involved for their continued support in advancing clean energy initiatives.

The LTDRP is poised to make substantial contributions to Zambia’s electrification goals, aiming to increase the national electrification rate from 34 to 66 percent by the year 2030. 

This initiative represents a significant step forward in the country’s efforts to provide sustainable energy solutions to its citizens, driving economic growth and social development.

Bwalya Kalimanshi, the Public Relations Officer, emphasized the importance of such initiatives in enhancing Zambia’s energy landscape and ensuring equitable access to electricity for all citizens.

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