Breaking NewsHealth

Lusaka City Council Grateful for Cholera Kit Donations from Habitat for Humanity Zambia

In a concerted effort to combat the cholera epidemic plaguing Lusaka, the Lusaka City Council (LCC) received a significant boost today with a generous donation from Habitat for Humanity Zambia.

Valued at K48,185.08, the donation includes essential supplies such as 20 litres of knapsack sprayers, liquid chlorine, granular chlorine, and hydrated lime.

Bwalya Kalimanshi and Bupe Kabuswe, Public Relations Officers of LCC, confirmed the receipt of the donation in an official statement, emphasizing its critical role in the ongoing campaign to eliminate cholera in the city.

During the handover ceremony, Her Worship the Mayor of the Greater City of Lusaka, Ms Chilando Chitangala, expressed gratitude for the timely donation, emphasizing its significance in the face of the cholera pandemic.

Mayor Chitangala highlighted the disruptive impact of the outbreak on daily life and reiterated the council’s commitment to implementing various measures to curb its spread.

Acknowledging the collaborative effort between the local authority, the Ministry of Health, and the World Health Organization, Mayor Chitangala assured Habitat for Humanity Zambia that the donated supplies would be utilized effectively in high-risk areas such as Bauleni, Matero, and Kanyama.

In response, Ms Mathabo Makuta, Country Director of Habitat for Humanity Zambia, commended the government’s dedication to eradicating cholera and pledged continued support in containing the outbreak.

Makuta reiterated the organization’s commitment to complementing governmental efforts to ensure the welfare of affected communities.

The Mayor emphasized the importance of adhering to public health directives and urged citizens to remain vigilant in combating the real threat posed by cholera.

The collaboration between LCC and Habitat for Humanity Zambia signifies a unified front in the battle against cholera, underscoring the collective determination to safeguard public health and well-being in Lusaka.

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