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 Government Won’t Intervene in Taxi Pricing Disputes

Minister of Transport and Logistics, Frank Tayali, has stated that the Zambian government will not intervene in pricing disputes between Yango Ride-Hailing Service and its drivers, asserting that market forces should dictate pricing in the industry.

In response to recent protests by Yango drivers over what they perceive as unfair pricing mechanisms within the taxi-online app, Minister Tayali emphasized that Zambia’s market is liberalized and subject to market dynamics. 

Speaking on Hot FM Radio’s Hot Seat program, he advised drivers to address their concerns with the Competition and Consumer Protection Unit (CCPU) if they believe the app is violating fair competition rules.

Highlighting the private sector-led nature of the ride-hailing business, Minister Tayali drew a parallel with the pricing of mealie meal, indicating that government intervention was not feasible in that market either. 

He referenced the involvement of the Zambia National Service (ZNS), a government institution, in producing cheaper mealie meal as an example.

Expressing bewilderment at drivers’ continued use of the app despite dissatisfaction, Minister Tayali questioned why they could not simply unsubscribe if their expectations were not being met.

The minister’s stance underscores the government’s commitment to market-driven policies and non-interference in private sector pricing dynamics. 

As drivers seek recourse through regulatory channels, the outcome of their engagement with the CCPU may shed light on the extent of regulatory oversight within Zambia’s ride-hailing sector.

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