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Zambian Immigration Apprehends Hundreds, Secures Convictions, and Removes Illegal Immigrants

In a series of operations conducted by immigration authorities across various regions of Zambia, a total of 400 individuals were apprehended for various immigration offenses between January 25th and February 5th, 2024.

The Mbala Immigration Office made a significant apprehension, nabbing 24 suspected Ethiopian nationals for unlawful entry and a Zambian national, Teza Simutowe, for harboring them. 

The suspects were discovered following a tip-off from vigilant residents at Vyula Village, prompting further investigations into the matter.

Additionally, routine clean-up operations conducted by the Lusaka Regional Immigration Office led to the apprehension of 96 individuals of different nationalities, including Burundians, Congolese, Tanzanians, Rwandese, and individuals claiming Zambian citizenship.

In separate court outcomes, the Nakonde Immigration Office secured the conviction of Solomon Siame, a Zambian Clearing Agent, for obstructing an immigration officer on duty. Siame was fined K 10,000 or faced nine months imprisonment for his actions.

Similarly, Saimony Kisaka, a Tanzanian national, was convicted by the Mpika Immigration Office for engaging in employment without a permit and fined accordingly. 

Additionally, Fabian Kunda, a Congolese national, was convicted by the Luanshya Immigration Office for various offenses including unlawful stay and obtaining a Zambian National Registration Card by false pretenses.

During this period, the Department of Immigration also removed 140 illegal immigrants from the country and refused entry to 32 foreign nationals who failed to meet entry requirements.

Namati H. Nshinka, Public Relations Officer for the Department of Immigration, commended the vigilance of residents in Vyula Village for reporting suspected prohibited immigrants. 

Mr. Nshinka urged the public to continue collaborating with immigration authorities to ensure compliance with immigration laws and warned against obstructing officers in the execution of their duties or harboring illegal immigrants.

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