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Zambian Government Addresses Cholera Outbreak, Urges Public Action 

Zambia’s Minister of Health, Hon. Sylvia T. Masebo, MP, highlighted the government’s unwavering commitment to addressing the current cholera outbreak and other public health threats in the country. 

The minister stressed the importance of prioritizing the health and well-being of all citizens and outlined measures to combat the spread of the disease.

The cholera outbreak, which began in October 2023, has underscored the critical need to manage social and environmental factors contributing to its spread. 

Minister Masebo emphasized the importance of personal and environmental hygiene, urging communities to dispose of waste properly and ensure access to soap and clean water.

Referring to Statutory Instrument number 5, the minister reminded all providers of public services to supply soap and running water to clients visiting their buildings or premises. 

Additionally, families were urged to maintain hygiene practices, especially before cooking, eating, and after using the toilet, by ensuring access to clean water and soap.

Cholera, being predominantly waterborne, spreads rapidly, thus the minister urged the public to drink clean and safe water, avoid using water from unreliable sources, and maintain cleanliness in their surroundings. Proper waste disposal practices were emphasized as essential for preventing the spread of the disease.

Providing an overview of the current cholera situation, Minister Masebo revealed that 208 new cases were recorded in the past 24 hours, with Lusaka Province reporting the highest number of cases. 

While challenges persist, progress has been made in patient outcomes, with 248 individuals discharged from treatment centers nationwide.

However, the minister also mourned the loss of three lives within the past 24 hours due to cholera, extending condolences to the affected families. 

On a positive note, vaccination efforts have been underway, with over 1.8 million individuals vaccinated in hotspot areas, including healthcare workers and people in correctional facilities.

In concluding her address, Minister Masebo emphasized the need for unity in the fight against cholera, urging citizens to remain resilient and committed to overcoming the challenge. 

She called for collective action to “Kick Out Cholera” and strive towards zero cholera deaths.

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