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SIAZ Urges Investment in Solar Energy Sector for Inclusive Development

The Solar Industry Association of Zambia (SIAZ) has emphasized the need for increased investment in the solar energy sector and the provision of incentives to promote access to electricity, particularly in rural areas, to ensure inclusive development.

Matanda Mwewa, President of SIAZ, stated in an interview that providing financial incentives and investing in solar infrastructure could unlock the full potential of solar energy in Zambia, offering both economic and environmental benefits.

Mwewa highlighted the significance of solar energy in providing electricity to remote and rural areas where extending traditional power grids might pose logistical challenges or be economically unfeasible. 

He stressed that solar energy could play a crucial role in bridging the energy access gap and promoting inclusive development.

One of the key challenges hindering the widespread adoption of solar energy in Zambia, according to Mwewa, is the lack of awareness and education about its benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and reduced energy dependency.

Additionally, factors such as high upfront costs, dependency on traditional energy sources like hydro power, and infrastructure challenges contribute to the low use of solar energy in the country.

Mwewa emphasized that addressing these challenges requires the development of necessary infrastructure for harnessing and distributing solar power, which could be a significant undertaking. 

However, he noted that the government, through the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), is taking steps to address these issues.

Despite the potential barriers, Mwewa remains optimistic about the future of solar energy in Zambia and believes that with the right investments and incentives, the country can harness the power of solar energy to drive inclusive development and sustainable growth.

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