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Health Minister Urges Unity and Adherence to Cholera Preventive Measures

The Minister of Health in Zambia, Hon. Sylvia T. Masebo, addressed the nation today on the ongoing cholera outbreak that has gripped the country since October 2023. 

The minister emphasized the need for a unified front to combat the disease, which has not only taken a toll on the health of the population but has also disrupted daily life, education, socialization, and the economy.

In her statement, Minister Masebo highlighted the intensified efforts to engage with communities, particularly in the hotspots of Lusaka District, where the majority of cases have been reported. 

While expressing concern over poor waste management and hygiene practices in some areas, she commended the willingness of communities to improve their conditions.

The latest statistics reveal a total of 295 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours. Lusaka District remains the epicenter, reporting 171 cases, with Kanyama constituency being the most affected. 

The largest treatment center at Heroes National Stadium is actively managing 256 patients, with 405 individuals discharged nationwide in the past day.

The minister acknowledged the challenges but also celebrated the progress made in patient outcomes. 

However, she expressed sorrow for the 10 lives lost to the disease within the last 24 hours, extending condolences to the affected families. The cumulative death toll during this outbreak now stands at 584.

Vaccination remains a critical component of the government’s strategy, with 1,849,424 individuals vaccinated in hotspot areas. The targeted population coverage stands at an impressive 98%, including healthcare workers and those in correctional facilities.

Minister Masebo concluded her address by reiterating the importance of preventive measures, urging citizens to drink clean and safe water, chlorinate or boil drinking water, practice frequent handwashing, and seek immediate medical attention upon experiencing symptoms.

The health minister emphasized, “Your adherence to these preventive measures is essential for the well-being of our communities. Let us Kick Out Cholera and move towards ZERO Cholera deaths!” 

The nation is urged to stand united in the fight against cholera, demonstrating resilience and commitment to collective well-being.

Citizens are encouraged to stay informed, follow preventive guidelines, and support each other as Zambia strives to overcome this preventable yet life-threatening disease.

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