Breaking NewsHealth

ZAMMSA Affirms Safety of Distributed Mosquito Nets

The Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) has categorically dismissed recent claims circulating in certain media circles suggesting that the mosquito nets distributed nationwide pose a hazard to public health.

Bradley Chingobe, Senior Manager of Corporate Communications at ZAMMSA, expressed dismay at the motives behind spreading such misleading information.

He emphasized that the long-lasting treated insecticide mosquito nets distributed by the agency are a crucial tool in preventing the outbreak of malaria in communities, and downplaying their significance could have adverse repercussions on the public.

Mr. Chingobe revealed that since the commencement of the mass distribution initiative, ZAMMSA has achieved a flawless 100% distribution of over 5.1 million mosquito nets to the Copperbelt, Central, and Southern Provinces.

He added that the distribution rate in Lusaka has reached a commendable 60%.

“It is worrying that, while the government of the Republic of Zambia is intensifying efforts to protect the public from malaria, some ill-informed individuals are maliciously misleading and discouraging the public from using the freely distributed mosquito nets. 

Malaria remains a major public health challenge in our country, and these nets are crucial in combating its spread,” stated Mr. Chingobe.

ZAMMSA reassured the public that the mosquito nets have undergone rigorous quality assurance and safety tests to guarantee the well-being of the beneficiaries. 

Mr. Chingobe urged the public to dismiss any information suggesting otherwise, emphasizing that the agency is fully committed to its vision of procuring, storing, and distributing quality and cost-effective medicines and medical supplies to all Zambians.

The agency called on the public to continue using the distributed mosquito nets as a preventive measure against malaria and to report any concerns or misinformation to the appropriate authorities. 

As efforts to combat malaria persist, Mr. Chingobe reiterates ZAMMSA  dedication to ensuring the safety and health of the Zambian population.

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