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Zambia Postpones School Reopening Due to Rising Cholera Cases

The Ministry of Health in Zambia has provided an update on the ongoing cholera situation in the country, revealing the decision to further postpone the reopening of schools due to the escalating outbreak. 

The announcement comes as part of a series of measures aimed at curbing the spread of the disease, which has claimed numerous lives and continues to afflict communities across the nation.

Health Minister Hon. Sylvia T. Masebo addressed fellow citizens, members of the press, and distinguished guests, emphasizing the critical need for united efforts in the fight against the cholera outbreak. 

With 438 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours across seven provinces, the situation remains challenging. Lusaka Province, the most affected, reported 350 cases, marking a reduction from previous weeks but still indicating the severity of the crisis.

The Minister reported 460 patient discharges in the last 24 hours but sadly announced the loss of six lives, including four adults and two children. The deaths occurred in Lusaka Province, underscoring the gravity of the situation. 

Minister Masebo highlighted the importance of adhering to cholera prevention measures, including the administration of oral cholera vaccines.

Despite the challenges, there is a silver lining at the Heroes Stadium cholera treatment center, where patient admissions are gradually decreasing. The facility reported zero deaths in the past 24 hours, providing a glimmer of hope amid the crisis.

Minister Masebo expressed appreciation for the progress in oral cholera vaccination efforts, with over 1.6 million individuals vaccinated in hotspot areas. 

However, she acknowledged emerging medical challenges related to substance abuse, particularly among the youth. The Ministry plans to address these challenges in collaboration with various partners and organizations.

As Zambia continues its fight against cholera, citizens are urged to practice the 3Cs: using clean water, maintaining clean hands, and chlorinating or boiling drinking water. 

The Minister emphasized the importance of seeking immediate medical attention for symptoms of watery diarrhea and vomiting.

In conclusion, Minister Masebo called for national unity in the fight against cholera, emphasizing the collective goal of achieving zero cholera deaths. 

The decision to extend school closures reflects the government’s commitment to prioritizing public health and safety during this critical period.

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