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ERB Imposes Fines on 8 Companies for Licence Violations

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has taken decisive action against eight energy companies, imposing fines totaling K408,000 for their failure to comply with prescribed licence conditions outlined in the Energy Regulation Act. 

According to ERB Public Relations Manager, Ms. Namukolo Kasumpa, the penalties were levied following enforcement hearings where the companies had an opportunity to present their cases but were found lacking, prompting the ERB to enforce punitive measures to ensure compliance and uphold regulatory standards.

Among the companies facing fines, two were penalized K75,000 each for operating without the necessary license. WWW Investment Limited was cited for transporting petroleum products without a proper license, while Chingases Company Limited engaged in the retail of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) without the required license.

Additionally, Total Energies Zambia, Admire Energy Limited, and Vivo Energy Zambia received fines of K45,000 each for operating with retail service stock outs without providing written notification to the ERB. 

Mount Meru Petroleum Limited faced a K45,000 penalty for failure to conduct licensed activities according to prescribed conditions and regulations, including non-compliance with a directive from the ERB.

North-Western Energy Corporation (NWEC) and Minegases Company Limited were also among the penalized companies, facing fines of K30,000 and K45,000, respectively. 

NWEC was fined for failing to address compliance anomalies as per ERB directive, while Minegases Company Limited was cited for non-compliance with regulations, standards, guidelines, and procedures related to the quality and reliability of supply and service, as well as non-compliance with an ERB directive.

Ms. Kasumpa emphasized ERB’s commitment to enforcing licence conditions and maintaining regulatory standards. The board directed all licensed companies in the energy sector to adhere to their licence conditions and set regulatory standards. 

It affirmed its proactive monitoring of licensees and pledged continued enforcement action against any non-compliant licensee to ensure the provision of sustainable and reliable energy services and products.

Ms. Kasumpa further encouraged the public to report concerns related to the provision of energy products and services by any licensee through the Toll-Free Line 8484.

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