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Counterfeit Fertiliser Scam Unearthed in Chingola 

Authorities in Chingola District, Zambia, have exposed a fraudulent scheme involving the sale of counterfeit fertilizer to unsuspecting farmers. 

The illicit activity was traced back to a local businessman who allegedly blended genuine Fertilizer D Compound with Fertilizer Urea, Lime, and soil before distributing the fake product to farmers.

The discovery unfolded as a result of a collaborative effort between the police, the UPND District security, District Joint Operation Committee (DJOC), and the office of the District Commissioner. 

A total of 116 bags, each weighing 25 kilograms, of the counterfeit fertilizer, along with three halves, were seized during the operation.

Copperbelt Province Commanding Officer, Peacewell Mweemba, shared details of the investigation, revealing that the implicated businessman, associated with JEDA AGRO SUPPLIER’S LTD along the Chingola-Chililabombwe road, had been purchasing genuine fertilizer from the Micro Source Company in Lusaka. 

However, upon receiving the product at his company, he purportedly mixed it with unauthorized substances before repackaging and distributing it to retail shops at Chiwempala market.

Mr. Mweemba explained, “When the products reach Chingola District at his company, he mixes the genuine Fertilizer D Compound with Fertilizer Urea, Lime, and the soil then repacks the counterfeit product and distributes to his retail shops at Chiwempala market for sale.”

The discovery came to light when consumers who purchased the fake fertilizer reported their suspicions to the authorities. Subsequent investigations led to the recovery of the counterfeit bags and exposed the origin of the illicit product.

Authorities are now taking legal action against the businessman, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to curb such fraudulent activities that pose a threat to the agricultural sector and farmers’ livelihoods.

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