Breaking NewsHealth

Mambwe Health Office Proactively Prepares for Cholera Outbreak in Eastern Province

The Mambwe District Health Office in Eastern Province, Zambia, has declared its readiness to effectively manage cholera cases should an outbreak occur in the district. 

In an interview with ZANIS, Moses Sakala, the Surveillance Officer for Mambwe district, assured that the health office is well-prepared to handle up to 50 cases, backed by the availability of essential drugs and fluids.

Mr. Sakala disclosed that the district has strategically stocked over 6000 units of 500 milliliters of lactate ringers, a crucial resource for treating cholera patients. 

He emphasized the proactive measures taken by the health office, including the distribution of chlorine to health facilities within the district. This initiative encourages community members to add chlorine to shallow wells as a preventive measure against cholera.

Volunteers, trained for this purpose, play a crucial role in adding the prescribed amount of chlorine to wells during regular checks every two weeks. 

Mr. Sakala highlighted the district’s commitment to prevention, ensuring that health facilities are well-equipped with sufficient protective clothing, including 1,200 plastic aprons for health workers.

The district has also emphasized daily checks on business premises, particularly those involved in the food industry, such as restaurants, to maintain hygiene standards. Health facilities are actively engaged in community sensitization efforts to raise awareness about cholera and its preventive measures.

While Mambwe district demonstrates a high level of preparedness, Mr. Sakala highlighted the need for adequate transport and fuel to enhance the effectiveness of the health office’s disease surveillance activities. The district remains committed to proactive measures to safeguard the well-being of its residents and prevent the spread of cholera.

Source: ZANIS

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