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Government Introduces Urban Price Shock Emergency Cash Transfer to Alleviate Economic Challenges

The Zambian government, through the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, has unveiled the Urban Price Shock Emergency Cash Transfer program. This initiative aims to provide financial relief to vulnerable communities grappling with economic challenges exacerbated by external factors.

Beneficiaries of the program will receive an additional K200 per month for a duration of six months, complementing their regular Social Cash Transfer (SCT) amounts. 

The launch ceremony took place in Kabwe District, where Ms. Doreen Mwamba, the Minister of Community Development and Social Services, emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing economic hardships faced by citizens.

Minister Mwamba acknowledged the surge in prices of essential goods, which has placed a significant financial burden on many citizens. The intervention seeks to alleviate the strain and uplift the welfare of communities across the country. 

Ms. Mwamba underscored the government’s dedication to taking decisive action in the face of economic challenges.

Representing the beneficiaries, Mr. Benson Pensulo expressed gratitude to the government for the intervention, emphasizing its substantial impact on purchasing essential household items. 

The Urban Price Shock Emergency Cash Transfer is viewed as a critical measure to ease financial pressures and enhance the well-being of vulnerable households.

In a separate note, Minister Mwamba urged the public to adhere to public health measures aimed at combating the spread of the cholera pandemic. The government remains committed to both economic support initiatives and public health efforts to safeguard the overall welfare of its citizens.

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