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MLGRD Announces the Disbursement of K4.7 Billion CDF

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) has announced the disbursement of a staggering K4,715,218,531.00, including K298,249,817.44 from the Supplementary Budget, for the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to all 156 constituencies across the country.

Chila Namaiko, the Public Relations Officer at the Ministry, declared that each constituency will now receive 100% CDF funding, totaling K28,313,902.01, as allocated in this year’s National Budget. This remarkable achievement is part of the New Dawn Government’s commitment to direct resources to communities for local development and essential services.

Mr. Namaiko highlighted the evolution of the CDF, noting its growth from K1.6 million per constituency in 2021 to an unprecedented K28.3 million this year. The upcoming 2024 National Budget promises a further increase to K30.6 million per constituency, signaling a steadfast dedication to community empowerment.

The expanded scope of the CDF encompasses community projects, empowerment initiatives (grants and loans), and bursaries for skills development and boarding secondary school. 

Mr. Namaiko emphasized the focus on delivering basic services such as clean drinking water, maternity wings, school infrastructure, and desks to schools.

MLGRD Permanent Secretary (Administration) Mr. Maambo Haamaundu praised the achievement, emphasizing that this historic release means that every constituency has now received the full CDF funding allocated in this year’s National Budget. 

He called on Local Authorities, Members of Parliament, Constituency Development Fund Committees, and Ward Development Committees to execute their mandates diligently.

Mr. Haamaundu urged responsible management of the funds, emphasizing their crucial role in local economic transformation. He highlighted the positive impact witnessed since the implementation of the expanded CDF in 2022, with communities experiencing gradual transformation.

Underlining the government’s commitment to reducing poverty and inequality, Mr. Haamaundu outlined the diverse projects funded through the CDF. In the education sector, 51% of the funds have been allocated, facilitating bursaries, classroom block construction, staff house rehabilitation, and desk procurement. 

Health sector projects, accounting for 18%, include the construction of maternity annexes, reducing the distance expectant mothers travel for quality healthcare services.

Mr. Haamaundu concluded by reiterating the Ministry’s dedication to effective local governance, envisioning active community participation in addressing social and economic needs through the implementation of the Decentralization Policy.

This historic 100% CDF funding marks a pivotal moment in Zambia’s local development landscape, promising significant improvements in citizens’ lives and fostering a more robust and participatory governance system.

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