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ZB and LCC Junior Council Unite for Responsible Drinking Campaign

Zambian Breweries (ZB), in collaboration with the Lusaka City Council’s (LCC’s) Public Health department and the Lusaka City Council’s Junior Council, has initiated the Cheers 2 Tomorrow campaign. 

The joint effort seeks to encourage responsible drinking habits, focusing on promoting responsible alcohol consumption, especially among young adults and those of legal drinking age, as the festive season approaches.

The campaign kicked off with engagements at Matero and Chunga Secondary Schools, focusing on peer-to-peer interactions to instill responsible choices among the youth. This marks the campaign’s initiation, reflecting its dedication to encouraging positive behaviors and discouraging detrimental choices.

Expanding its reach, the Cheers 2 Tomorrow campaign has extended to Kanyama and Chibolya, employing roadshows and market activations to convey its crucial message of responsible alcohol consumption. 

The strategic expansion aligns with the Junior Council’s core objective of advocating for positive interactions, discouraging harmful choices among the youth, and promoting education and leadership participation.

Acknowledging the prevalent social activity of alcohol consumption, the campaign underscores the health and social risks associated with its abuse. Irresponsible drinking can lead to adverse health effects, impaired decision-making, accidents, and an increased risk of addiction.

Zambian Breweries’ overarching Smart Drinking initiative, dedicated to reshaping social norms and behaviors, aligns with the Cheers 2 Tomorrow campaign’s focus on “SMART” drinking – Setting limits, Moderation, Alternatives, Responsibility, and Tomorrow.

Bridget Bwembya Banda, Zambian Breweries’ Better World Manager, emphasized the company’s commitment to corporate responsibility and community well-being. The partnership with the Lusaka City Council and the Junior Council reflects a collaborative effort to promote Smart Drinking in communities.

Nyambe Bulumba, LCC Assistant Public Relations Manager, commended Zambian Breweries for adhering to regulations, including clear age indications on their beer batches. The collaboration actively supports the Junior Council, a dynamic group of young advocates instrumental in driving the campaign through door-to-door initiatives and roadshows across Lusaka.

Mr. Bulumba emphasized the importance of empowering young people to educate their peers on the consequences of irresponsible alcohol consumption. The Junior Council, grateful for the support from Zambian Breweries and the Lusaka City Council, aims to be at the forefront of urging responsible drinking practices.

Bridget Bwembya Banda concluded, “Through the ‘Cheers 2 Tomorrow’ Campaign, Zambian Breweries and the Lusaka City Council celebrate the idea of living for another day, encouraging individuals to enjoy responsibly today and always remember that tomorrow is another day.”

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