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Minister Mweetwa Addresses  Various Concerns

The Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa, MP, addressed various pressing issues, extending condolences to the families affected by a tragic road accident and expressing concern over language used by a civic association.

The Minister began by expressing deep grief and sorrow over the recent road traffic accident in Kalwa area, Serenje District, where 13 lives were lost in a collision between a bus and a truck. 

He conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and wished the 39 individuals who sustained injuries a speedy recovery. Assuring the nation, Mr. Mweetwa stated that the Government, through the Central Province Administration, is actively working to alleviate the pain and burden of the affected families. 

He urged motorists to exercise caution, especially during the festive season, and directed the Road Transport Safety Agency (RTSA) to intensify traffic patrols for enhanced safety.

Expressing concern over the language used by the Our Civic Duty Association (OCiDA) in a press release signed by Emeritus Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, Mr. Mweetwa urged Zambians to remain calm and focused, dismissing what he deemed as “enemies of progress.” He labeled OCiDA’s claims that Zambia’s democratic space is decreasing as extremely malicious, baseless, and mischievous. 

Minister Mweetwa affirmed that Zambia is a truly democratic nation, countering assertions that the democratic space is shrinking. He announced that the government would engage with the Catholic bishops to address the concerns raised by the church.

Highlighting the strides made under the New Dawn Administration, Mr. Mweetwa emphasized that the debt restructuring program has reached stages previously considered unattainable. 

He underscored the repeal of the Defamation of the President and the enactment of the Access to Information (ATI) Bill, stating that these actions have widened the democratic space in Zambia. 

Contrary to claims of shrinking democratic space, Minister Mweetwa asserted that such narratives are unfounded and lack substance.

In conclusion, the Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to resolving issues raised by various stakeholders and fostering an inclusive and democratic Zambia.

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