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Zambia Launches Ambitious Digital Economy Initiative

The Minister of Technology and Science, Honourable Felix C. Mutati MP, delivered a comprehensive ministerial statement outlining Zambia’s ambitious strategy to propel the nation into the realm of a Digital Economy. 

The transformative journey is marked by a series of initiatives aimed at reshaping the technological landscape of the country.

In a pivotal step towards digital evolution, the Zambian government has procured 500 Star-link kits to strategically enhance internet connectivity across the nation. 

These cutting-edge kits, after a successful proof of concept conducted by the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA), aim to bring reliable and high-speed internet to every corner of Zambia.

Honourable Felix C. Mutati announced that every Member of Parliament will receive a Star-link kit for their respective constituency, with internet fully paid for the first year. 

The goal is to bridge the digital divide, allowing seamless connectivity between Members of Parliament and their constituents. With internet speeds reaching over 250 Megabits per Second, the initiative has the capacity to connect over 300 devices simultaneously.

The Minister emphasized that the Star-link kits are not just tools but enablers of progress, empowering every constituency to flourish in the digital era. The distribution process will be optimized through the electronic government division, Smart Zambia.

In a strategic partnership with the private sector, the government is connecting all 1291 schools across the country. The transformative initiative aims to revolutionize education by enhancing the uptake and delivery of ICT and digital skills among students.

Furthermore, the Minister announced the procurement of 2000 state-of-the-art computers through ZICTA, to be distributed equitably among provinces. These computers, pre-loaded with educational software, will benefit secondary schools and Technical Vocational Education Training (TEVET) institutions, fostering a digitally literate future generation.

Looking forward, the 2024 budget includes the establishment of Community Digital Transformation Centers. Leveraging the infrastructure of Zambia Postal Services Corporation, these centers will provide free internet access and serve as hubs for electronic government services, digital literacy programs, and skills development.

The Minister highlighted successful collaborations with the private sector, extending fiber connectivity to seven of the eight neighboring countries. Efforts are underway to link Mozambique to the fiber network by June 2024, reinforcing Zambia’s position as the digital hub of Southern Africa.

The announcement concluded with a resolute commitment to ensuring that no Zambian is left behind in the digital future. 

Hon. Mutati said that the government’s vision is to create a more inclusive, connected, and digitally literate Zambia, where technology becomes the catalyst for progress, innovation, and the empowerment of every citizen.

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