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Chasefu DC Urges Police to Use CDF Vehicle for Its Intended Purpose

Chasefu District Commissioner, Jimmy Phiri, has issued a stern reminder to the police in Chasefu District, urging them to refrain from misusing their newly acquired CDF Toyota Land Cruiser, emphasizing the importance of utilizing the vehicle for the intended purpose of serving the local community.

In an official statement released by Vernon Muwema, the Chasefu Town Council Public Relations Officer, the District Commissioner stressed that the police vehicle is intended to combat crime in the district rather than serving personal needs of police officers. The primary objective is to ensure law and order, thereby protecting communities from the adverse effects of criminal activities.

The call for responsible use of the CDF police vehicle was made during the official handover ceremony held on Tuesday afternoon, where the Commissioner highlighted the pressing need to address the rising criminal cases in Chasefu District. 

He believes that the new motor vehicle will enhance the mobility of officers, contributing to the effective mitigation of criminal activities.

Chasefu Town Council Chairperson, Chimwemwe Banda, echoed the sentiments, acknowledging the historical challenges faced by police officers in Chasefu due to a lack of transport. 

She implored officers to educate the local population on the significance of understanding and abiding by the law to maintain harmony in the district.

In a commitment to bolster security infrastructure, Ms. Banda assured the police command that the local authority would secure land for the construction of a police station, ensuring the district’s self-sufficiency in terms of security.

The police vehicle in question is part of the recently procured fleet allocated to all 156 constituencies in the country under the 2023 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) allocation, aiming to enhance law enforcement capabilities nationwide.

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