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ZIPRC and UNZA Sign an MOU to Enhance PR Professional Development

The Zambia Institute of Public Relations and Communication (ZIPRC) and the University of Zambia (UNZA) have officially inked a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their partnership in delivering the ZIPRC Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme.

In a joint media statement released by Mr. Nimon Simukanga Muleya, ZIPRC REGISTRAR/CEO, and Mr. Habeenzu Mulunda, the Acting Manager – Public Relations at the University of Zambia, the MoU signifies a significant step forward in enhancing professional development opportunities for practitioners in the field of Public Relations (PR) and Communication.

Under the terms of the MoU, UNZA will play a pivotal role in certifying, moderating, and accrediting the ZIPRC CPD programme, showcasing the commitment of both institutions to elevate standards within the public relations industry.

By entrusting UNZA with the certification, moderation, and accreditation of the CPD programme, ZIPRC aims to bring a heightened level of credibility and academic consistency to its professional development initiatives.

The ZIPRC CPD programme, designed to empower communication professionals with the latest industry knowledge, skills, and best practices, will now benefit from the academic expertise and oversight provided by UNZA.

UNZA’s Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof Anne Sikwibele, emphasized the strategic collaborative partnership, stating, “The University of Zambia will work closely with ZIPRC to bring excellence, credibility, and academic consistency to professional development initiatives and enhance professional development opportunities for practitioners in the field of Public Relations (PR) and Communication.”

ZIPRC President, Mrs Irene Chipili, expressed her enthusiasm, highlighting the MoU as a significant milestone in ongoing efforts to enhance the professional landscape of PR and Communication in Zambia. 

“It is a testament to ZIPRC’s unwavering commitment to advancing the field of PR and Communication in Zambia. This collaboration allows UNZA to contribute to the continuous learning and development of communication professionals, ultimately benefiting the industry as a whole,” Mrs Chipili remarked.

The signing of this MoU marks a transformative moment in the realm of professional development, creating a dynamic platform for excellence and growth in the field of Public Relations and Communication.

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