Breaking NewsHealth

Lusaka City Council Intensifies Efforts in Cholera Prevention Measures

The Lusaka City Council is taking proactive measures to prevent the potential resurgence of cholera and other diseases in Lusaka. To achieve this goal, they have launched a comprehensive disinfection campaign covering all markets and bus stations in the Central Business District.

According to an official statement by Nyambe Bulumba (Mr), the Public Relations Officer of the Lusaka City Council, the disinfection drive is being spearheaded by the Public Health Department. 

Key areas such as Kamwala’s Luburma market, Kulimatower Bus Station, and Inter City Bus Terminus have already undergone thorough disinfection.

Public Health Officers from the council are focusing not only on marketplaces but also on crucial spots such as public toilets, waste bins, and offices. The chemical used for disinfection is noted to be a multi-purpose solution effective in preventing various diseases, not just cholera.

Mr. Bulumba emphasized the council’s commitment to community health by distributing over 120 liters of chlorine to Kamwala Remand Prison, promoting the importance of consuming clean water. 

Ongoing surveillance activities will ensure strict adherence to public health guidelines, minimizing the risk of diseases, including cholera.

“This exercise is integral to our broader campaign to educate and inform the public about cholera prevention methods,” Mr. Bulumba stated. The council plans to continue disinfecting potential cholera hotspots, extending efforts into residential compounds.

Acknowledging the collaborative spirit of the community, Mr. Bulumba expressed gratitude to business owners for their cooperation in facilitating the smooth execution of the disinfection mandate.

However, he urged all Lusaka residents and business owners to actively participate in the ongoing campaign, emphasizing that collective involvement is crucial in winning the fight against cholera.

Residents received a reminder to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings, with the council stressing that a healthy life begins with a clean environment. As the Lusaka City Council remains dedicated to safeguarding public health, the community’s active engagement is deemed essential in achieving a cholera-free city.

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