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Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development  Hands Over Websites to the Local Authorities

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has taken a significant step towards digital transformation by officially handing over newly developed websites to the Local Authorities of Lusaka and Eastern provinces. 

The handover ceremony, presided over by Maambo Haamaundu, the Permanent Secretary for Administration at the Ministry, marks a pivotal moment in leveraging technology for improved service delivery and public engagement.

During the closing session of a training held at Twalumba Resort in Chibombo District, Rita Mwale, the ICT Assistant Director at the Ministry, delivered Mr. Haamaundu’s speech. 

He conveyed the Ministry’s commitment to embracing technology and highlighted the importance of websites in swiftly advancing the digitalization agenda, enabling the sharing of government aspirations with the public across the country.

Mr. Haamaundu emphasized that each Local Authority would now take full responsibility for managing and maintaining their respective websites. 

This decentralization aims to enhance efficiency and responsiveness, ensuring that information is regularly updated and tailored to the needs of each district.

Addressing the challenges posed by poor ICT infrastructure in many Local Authorities, the Permanent Secretary disclosed ongoing efforts to install local area networks (LANs) in all provincial offices and Local Authorities nationwide. 

These networks are envisioned to play a crucial role in deploying various systems and platforms swiftly, ultimately improving service delivery and boosting revenue collection.

Public Relations Officers (PROs) were urged to play a vital role in information gathering for website content, ensuring that the public remains well-informed about developmental activities in their districts. 

Mr. Haamaundu emphasized the importance of seeking verification and approval from Principal Officers before uploading any information, emphasizing the responsibility of PROs in maintaining accuracy.

Social Economic Planners (SEPs) were challenged to be readily available to provide necessary information, with website management and content uploading becoming key performance indicators to assess council performances.

In closing, Mr. Haamaundu called upon Information Communication and Technology Officers and Planners to ensure continuous data uploads on the websites, emphasizing the need for ongoing and effective information dissemination.

The official handover of these websites marks a crucial milestone in the Ministry’s efforts to harness technology for efficient governance and improved public communication in local communities.

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