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Central and Luapula Provinces Pioneer Digital  NRC Mass Enrollments

In a significant stride towards modernizing the National Registration System, Central and Luapula provinces are at the forefront of Phase 3 enrollment into the Integrated National Registration Information System (INRIS) Project. 

Central Province’s Permanent Secretary, Milner Mwanakampwe, emphasized the presidential priority of the Digital NRC project, aiming to revolutionize the national legal identity system. 

Speaking in Kabwe, Mwanakampwe, represented by Provincial Deputy Permanent Secretary Godfrey Chitambala, underscored the project’s significance, terming National Registration a crucial security matter and a priority for the next decade.

“The President is keen on achieving a secure and effective national legal identity system,” stated Mwanakampwe during his address to officers deployed for mass mobile enrollments in Central Province.

With a target of 10 million enrollments, the project has made significant progress, surpassing one million enrollments as of September this year. The mass enrollments in Central and Luapula Provinces commenced on Monday, November 27th, 2023, while 79 other districts across the country continue their INRIS enrollments.

Central Province Registrar and Provincial Project Coordinator, Nachiyunde Nachiyunde, echoed the call for discipline, dedication, and commitment among officers to achieve the set targets at all levels. Nachiyunde emphasized the importance of maintaining professionalism and non-discrimination throughout the enrollment process.

The Digital NRC project signifies a major step towards a more secure, efficient, and technologically advanced national registration system. As enrollments unfold, the nation anticipates a streamlined and modernized process that ensures the integrity and accessibility of citizens’ legal identities.

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