Breaking NewsMining

First Quantum Minerals Enhances Community Legacy with Housing and Land Donations in Ndola

First Quantum Minerals (FQM) has handed over 13 houses to resettled families and donated 10 hectares of land to the Zambian Aged People’s Association (ZAPA) as part of its ongoing initiative at the former Bwana Mkubwa mine in Ndola.

FQM is committed to leaving a lasting and positive impact on the community beyond the life of its mining project. 

This recent phase includes providing housing for resettled families and contributing land to various organizations, such as ZAPA, employees, the Ex-Service League, the Lamba Royal Establishment, the community, and the government.

At the handover ceremony in Munkulungwe, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Elijah Julaki Muchima, commended FQM for its philanthropic efforts. 

He emphasized the company’s distinction in going beyond standard corporate practices, contributing significantly to addressing housing and land challenges in Ndola.

Mr. Muchima urged other mining companies to follow FQM’s example in empowering local communities and recognized the company as a responsible investor and operator. 

He praised FQM for its commitment to giving back to the community even after the conclusion of mining operations.

Copperbelt Province Minister, Hon. Elisha Matambo, lauded FQM for its corporate social investment initiative aimed at improving the livelihoods of local communities. 

He highlighted the uniqueness of FQM’s approach, stating that it was the first time such a housing project had been undertaken in the Copperbelt Province.

Michael Longhurst, FQM’s Corporate Social Responsibility Superintendent, explained that beneficiaries underwent training in financial literacy, conservation farming, and managing change to facilitate their transition. 

He highlighted the company’s commitment to delivering on its promises to communities and its focus on providing support beyond mining operations.

First Quantum Minerals, despite its primary focus on mining, recognizes the importance of considering the social and environmental consequences of its activities and actively contributes to uplifting local communities. 

This initiative reflects the company’s dedication to sustainable practices and positive community engagement.

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